Jamia Millia Malir, Karachi

Jamia Millia Malir, Karachi Jamia....! the word sounds familiar, yes we often hear in news from India most recently. Although, very few of masses knows that there is another Jamia Milia in Karachi at Malir which has deep historical links and association way back in before partition British India with the Jamia Millia Dehli. Jamia Millia Karachi This should be told to the people that once there was a mega educational project named Jamia Millia in Karachi as well. Background Jamia Millia Islamia, an institution originally established at Aligarh in United Provinces, India in 1920. Jamia means 'University', and Millia means 'National'. Its inception goes back to the British India times in the early 1900s. Under the colonial British Raj, two different campaigns contributed towards the birth of Jamia Milia as an institute. One was the anti-colonial Islamic activism led by Khilafat movement (the one in support of declining sutanat e Usmania) and the othe...